In this example we list all of the files in a directory in C#
You need to change the directory – J:\csharp\basics
The files in the directory are printed using directory.getfiles().
Usinga foreach loop we print the list of files in a directory.
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] myDirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@"J:\csharp\basics"); Console.WriteLine("Files in the Directory"); foreach (string myFiles in myDirFiles) { Console.WriteLine(myFiles); } Console.Read(); } } }
When you run this you will see something like this- this is based on the directory I selected
Files in the Directory J:\csharp\basics\assigment.cs J:\csharp\basics\logicaloperators.cs J:\csharp\basics\relational.cs