OS is a node module which is used to provide information about the computer operating system.
The syntax for including the OS module in your application:
var os = require('os');
Let's see a list of generally used functions or methods.
Method | Description |
arch() | This method returns the operating system CPU architecture |
constants | This method returns an object containing the operating system's constants for process signals, error cotes etc. |
cpus() | This method returns an array containing information about the computer's CPUs |
endianness() | This method returns the endianness of the CPU |
EOL | This method returns the end-of-line marker for the current operating system |
freemem() | This method returns the number of free memory of the system |
hostname() | This method returns the hostname of the operating system |
loadavg() | This method returns an array containing the load averages, (1, 5, and 15 minutes) |
networkInterfaces() | This method returns the network interfaces that has a network address |
platform() | This method returns information about the operating system's platform |
release() | This method returns information about the operating system's release |
tmpdir() | This method returns the operating system's default directory for temporary files |
totalmem() | This method returns the number of total memory of the system |
type() | This method returns the name of the operating system |
uptime() | This method returns the uptime of the operating system, in seconds |
userInfo() | This method returns information about the current user |
Lets see an example of some commonly used methods
const os=require('os'); console.log("os.freemem(): \n",os.freemem()); console.log("os.homedir(): \n",os.homedir()); console.log("os.hostname(): \n",os.hostname()); console.log("os.endianness(): \n",os.endianness()); console.log("os.loadavg(): \n",os.loadavg()); console.log("os.platform(): \n",os.platform()); console.log("os.release(): \n",os.release()); console.log("os.tmpdir(): \n",os.tmpdir()); console.log("os.totalmem(): \n",os.totalmem()); console.log("os.type(): \n",os.type()); console.log("os.uptime(): \n",os.uptime());
This displayed the following
C:\Users\user\nodejs>node osexample.js os.freemem(): 13673635840 os.homedir(): C:\Users\user os.hostname(): DESKTOP-UGL2N6Q os.endianness(): LE os.loadavg(): [ 0, 0, 0 ] os.platform(): win32 os.release(): 10.0.19042 os.tmpdir(): C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp os.totalmem(): 34308112384 os.type(): Windows_NT os.uptime(): 2231280