Home Node.js Generating fake test data using Javascript

Generating fake test data using Javascript

In this article I take a look at a library which can be used to generate ‘fake' data

If your an application developer the more likely scenario is that you can use this as test data

You can use this as Node.js or in the browser but the browser does have this warning to heed on their web page

Using the browser is great for experimenting . However, due to all of the strings Faker uses to generate fake data, Faker is a large package. It's > 5 MiB minified. Please avoid deploying Faker in your web app.


npm install @faker-js/faker --save-dev

There are various modules available in the api and these are

Module Example
Address faker.address.city()
Animal faker.animal.type()
Commerce faker.commerce.product()
Company faker.company.companyName()
Database faker.database.engine()
Datatype faker.datatype.uuid()
Date faker.date.past()
Finance faker.finance.amount()
Git faker.git.commitMessage()
Hacker faker.hacker.phrase()
Helpers faker.helpers.userCard()
Image faker.image.avatar()
Internet faker.internet.color()
Lorem faker.lorem.paragraph()
Music faker.music.genre()
Name faker.name.firstName()
Phone faker.phone.phoneNumber()
Random faker.random.locale()
System faker.system.directoryPath()
Vehicle faker.vehicle.vehicle()

Each module has methods that are available. Lets take the Phone module as an example, it has the following methods

phoneNumber Generates a random phone number
phoneNumberFormat Generates a random phone number with requested format (Array index)
phoneFormats Generates a random phone number format



Here is a basic example which will get a random name

Save the following as fakerexample.js

const { faker } = require('@faker-js/faker');
const randomName = faker.name.findName();
console.log(`Name: ${randomName}`);
A couple of runs using node fakerexample.js
C:\Users\user\nodejs>node fakerexample.js
Name: Danny Lang III

C:\Users\user\nodejs>node fakerexample.js
Name: Micheal Waters

C:\Users\user\nodejs>node fakerexample.js
Name: Nichole Dickinson

In this example lets get some random animal types

Copy this as fakeranimal.js

const { faker } = require('@faker-js/faker');

console.log (faker.animal.type())
console.log (faker.animal.dog())
console.log (faker.animal.cat())
console.log (faker.animal.snake())
console.log (faker.animal.bear())
console.log (faker.animal.lion())
console.log (faker.animal.cetacean())
console.log (faker.animal.horse())
console.log (faker.animal.bird())
console.log (faker.animal.cow())
console.log (faker.animal.fish())
console.log (faker.animal.crocodilia())
console.log (faker.animal.insect())
console.log (faker.animal.rabbit())

Run this as before

node fakeranimal.js

Here is what I saw

C:\Users\user\nodejs>node fakeranimal.js
French Spaniel
Rufous beaked snake
Brown bear
West African Lion
Chinese White Dolphin
Assateague Horse
Botteri's Sparrow
Japanese anchovy
Saltwater Crocodile
Silky ant

So as you can see from the 2 basic examples, a very useful library which has ports in other languages such as Python, Ruby and Perl



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