There are a ton of free ebooks that can be downloaded or viewed online relating to python. Here is our list
- 100 Page Python Intro – Sundeep Agarwal
- 20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should) – Caleb Hattingh
- A Beginner's Python Tutorial – Wikibooks
- A Byte of Python (3.x) (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
- A Guide to Python's Magic Methods – Rafe Kettler
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python – Jake VanderPlas (PDF) (EPUB, MOBI)
- Architecture Patterns with Python – Harry J.W. Percival & Bob Gregory (HTML)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition: Practical Programming for Total Beginners – Al Sweigart (3.8)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners – Al Sweigart (3.4)
- Beej's Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners – B. Hall (HTML,PDF)
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python – Al Sweigart (3.x)
- Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook (PDF)
- Build applications in Python the antitextbook (3.x) (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
- Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design, V4 – Steven F. Lott (3.7)
- Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design, Release 2.2.1 – Steven F. Lott (PDF) (2.2.1)
- Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design, Release 3.1 – Steven F. Lott (PDF) (3.1)
- Building Skills in Python – Steven F. Lott (PDF) (2.6)
- Clean Architectures in Python – Leonardo Giordani (3.x)
- Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python – David Goodger
- CodeCademy Python
- Composing Programs (3.x)
- Cracking Codes with Python – Al Sweigart (3.6)
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python – B. R. Preiss (PDF)
- Dive into Python 3 – Mark Pilgrim (3.0)
- Dive into Python – Mark Pilgrim (2.3)
- From Python to NumPy – Nicolas P. Rougier (3.6)
- Full Stack Python – Matt Makai
- Functional Programming in Python – David Mertz
- Fundamentals of Python Programming – Richard L. Halterman (PDF) (:construction: in process)
- Google's Python Class (2.4 – 2.x)
- Google's Python Style Guide
- Hadoop with Python – Zachary Radtka, Donald Miner
- Hands-On Natural Language Processing with Python – Rajesh Arumugam, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani (Packt account required)
- Hitchhiker's Guide to Python! (2.6)
- How to Code in Python 3 – Lisa Tagliaferri (PDF)
- How to Make Mistakes in Python – Mike Pirnat (PDF) (1st edition)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition – Brad Miller, David Ranum, Jeffrey Elkner, Peter Wentworth, Allen B. Downey, Chris Meyers, and Dario Mitchell (3.2)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 1st Edition – Allen B. Downey, Jeff Elkner and Chris Meyers (2.4) (HTML, PDF)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 2nd Edition – Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (Using Python 2.x)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 (RLE) – Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (PDF)
- Intermediate Python – Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid (1st edition)
- Introduction to Programming with Python (3.3)
- Introduction to Programming Using Python – Cody Jackson (1st edition) (2.3)
- Introduction to Python – Kracekumar (2.7.3)
- Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis – Kevin Sheppard (PDF) (3.8)
- Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python – Al Sweigart (3.4)
- Learn Python, Break Python
- Learn Python Programming, Second Edition – Fabrizio Romano (Packt account required)
- Learn to Program Using Python – Cody Jackson (PDF)
- Learning to Program
- Lectures on scientific computing with python – J.R. Johansson (2.7)
- Making Games with Python & Pygame – Al Sweigart (3.2)
- Math for programmers (using python)
- Modeling and Simulation in Python – Allen B. Downey (PDF)
- Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python – Tom D. De Smedt (PDF)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python — Tutorial (PDF)
- Natural Language Processing with Python (3.x)
- Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3 – Wikibooks (3.3)
- Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 2.6 – Wikibooks (2.6)
- Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto – David Mertz
- Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide (2.6 – 2.x & 3.1 – 3.x)
- Practical Programming in Python – Jeffrey Elkner (PDF)
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python – Bradley N. Miller and David L. Ranum (3.x)
- Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame (3.3)
- Programming Computer Vision with Python (PDF)
- Programming for Non-Programmers, Release 2.6.2 – Steven F. Lott (PDF) (2.6)
- PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python – Dr. Marc Lichtman (3.x)
- Python 101 – Michael Driscoll (HTML, TEXT)
- Python 2 Official Documentation (PDF, HTML, TEXT) (2.x)
- Python 2.7 quick reference – John W. Shipman (PDF) (2.7)
- Python 3 Official Documentation (PDF, EPUB, HTML, TEXT) (3.x)
- Python 3 Tutorial
- Python Data Science Handbook – Jake VanderPlas (HTML, Jupyter Notebooks)
- Python for Everybody – Charles Russell Severance (PDF, EPUB, HTML) (3.x)
- Python for Informatics: Exploring Information – Charles Russell Severance (2.7.5)
- Python for you and me (2.7.3)
- Python for you and me (3.x)
- Python Idioms (PDF)
- Python in Education – Nicholas Tollervey
- Python in Hydrology – Sat Kumar Tomer
- Python Koans (2.7 or 3.x)
- Python Machine Learning By Example – Yuxi (Hayden) Liu (Packt account required)
- Python Module of the Week (3.x)
- Python Notes for Professionals – Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
- Python Practice Book (2.7.1)
- Python Practice Projects
- Python Programming – Wikibooks (2.7)
- Python Programming – Wikibooks (PDF) (2.6)
- Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists – Qingkai Kong, Timmy Siauw, Alexandre Bayen (3.7)
- Python Tutorial – Tutorials Point
- Scipy Lecture Notes
- SICP in Python (3.2)
- Slither into Python: An introduction to Python for beginners (3.7)
- Suporting Python 3: An In-Depth Guide (2.6 – 2.x & 3.1 – 3.x)
- Test-Driven Web Development with Python – Harry Percival (3.3 – 3.x)
- Text Processing in Python – David Mertz (2.3 – 2.x)
- The Coder's Apprentice: Learning Programming with Python 3 – Pieter Spronck (PDF) (3.x)
- The Definitive Guide to Jython, Python for the Java Platform – Josh Juneau, Jim Baker, Victor Ng, Leo Soto, Frank Wierzbicki (2.5)
- The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns (Source)
- The Programming Historian – William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
- The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
- The Standard Python Library – Fredrik Lundh
- Think Complexity – Allen B. Downey (2nd Edition) (PDF, HTML)
- Think DSP – Digital Signal Processing in Python – Allen B. Downey (PDF, HTML)
- Think Python 2nd Edition – Allen B. Downey (3.x) (HTML, PDF)
- Think Python First Edition – Allen B. Downey (2.x) (HTML, PDF)
- Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook – Matt Harrison (3.6)
- Web2py: Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition (pre-release) (2.5 – 2.x)
- Django Girls Tutorial (1.11)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.5)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.7)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.9)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.10)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (2.2)
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (3.1)
- Django RESTful Web Services – Gaston C. Hillar (Packt account required)
- Django Web Framework (Python) – MDN contributors
- Djen of Django
- Effective Django (1.5)
- How to Tango With Django (1.7)
- Test-Driven Development With Python And Django (1.11)
- Explore Flask – Robert Picard
- Flask Documentation – Pallets
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial – Miguel Grinberg (0.9)
- Learn Pandas – Hernan Rojas (0.18.1)
- pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit – Wes McKinney and the Pandas Development Team (HTML, PDF)
original – https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books