In C++, multithreading enables the concurrent execution of multiple tasks or parts of a program, allowing for efficient utilization of system resources, particularly on multi-core systems.
C++ provides a threading library in <thread> which makes it easy to create and manage threads.
Along with <mutex> and <condition_variable>, you can coordinate between threads and handle data sharing safely.
Basic Multithreading Concepts in C++
- Thread Creation: Creating multiple threads to execute tasks concurrently.
- Thread Joining and Detaching: Managing thread execution by joining or detaching them.
- Mutex: Prevents data races by allowing only one thread to access shared data at a time.
- Condition Variables: Synchronize threads by blocking or notifying them.
- Atomic Operations: Perform thread-safe operations without requiring a mutex.
1. Basic Thread Creation and Execution
In this example, we create a simple thread to execute a task concurrently.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace std; void printMessage() { cout << "Hello from thread!" << endl; } int main() { thread t(printMessage); // Create a thread to run printMessage t.join(); // Wait for the thread to finish cout << "Main thread ends." << endl; return 0; }
- thread t(printMessage); creates a thread t that executes printMessage.
- t.join(); ensures the main thread waits for t to complete before continuing.
Hello from thread! Main thread ends.
2. Passing Arguments to Threads
You can pass arguments to thread functions using the std::thread constructor.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace std; void addNumbers(int a, int b) { cout << "Sum: " << a + b << endl; } int main() { thread t(addNumbers, 5, 3); // Pass 5 and 3 as arguments to addNumbers t.join(); return 0; }
- thread t(addNumbers, 5, 3); creates a thread that calls addNumbers(5, 3).
Sum: 8
3. Lambda Functions in Threads
Lambda expressions provide an inline way to define thread functions.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 10, y = 5; thread t([x, y]() { cout << "Difference: " << x - y << endl; }); t.join(); return 0; }
- thread t([x, y]() { … }); creates a thread with an inline lambda function.
Difference: 5
4. Detaching Threads
A detached thread runs independently of the main thread and does not need to be joined.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <chrono> using namespace std; void printMessage() { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(2)); cout << "Hello from detached thread!" << endl; } int main() { thread t(printMessage); t.detach(); // Detach the thread, allowing it to run independently cout << "Main thread ends before detached thread." << endl; // Adding a small sleep to ensure detached thread prints before program exit this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(3)); return 0; }
- t.detach(); detaches the thread, allowing it to run independently of the main thread.
Main thread ends before detached thread. Hello from detached thread!
5. Using Mutex for Thread Synchronization
Mutexes prevent data races by allowing only one thread to access shared data at a time.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> using namespace std; mutex mtx; void printNumber(int n) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx); // Locks the mutex until the end of scope cout << "Number: " << n << endl; } int main() { thread t1(printNumber, 1); thread t2(printNumber, 2); t1.join(); t2.join(); return 0; }
- lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx); locks mtx to ensure only one thread accesses cout at a time.
Output (order may vary):
Number: 1 Number: 2
6. Using std::unique_lock and Condition Variables
Condition variables allow threads to wait for a condition to be met before continuing.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <condition_variable> using namespace std; mutex mtx; condition_variable cv; bool ready = false; void printMessage() { unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx); cv.wait(lock, [] { return ready; }); // Wait until ready is true cout << "Condition met, thread proceeds." << endl; } int main() { thread t(printMessage); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); // Simulate work in main { lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx); ready = true; } cv.notify_one(); // Notify the waiting thread t.join(); return 0; }
- cv.wait(lock, [] { return ready; }); makes the thread wait until ready is true.
- cv.notify_one(); wakes up one waiting thread.
Condition met, thread proceeds.
7. Using std::future and std::async for Asynchronous Tasks
std::async creates an asynchronous task that returns a std::future to retrieve the result.
#include <iostream> #include <future> using namespace std; int calculateSquare(int x) { return x * x; } int main() { future<int> result = async(calculateSquare, 5); // Launch async task cout << "Square of 5: " << result.get() << endl; // Retrieve the result return 0; }
- async(calculateSquare, 5); runs calculateSquare(5) asynchronously.
- result.get(); waits for the result and retrieves it.
Square of 5: 25
8. Shared Data with std::atomic
std::atomic provides a way to safely share data without using mutexes.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <atomic> using namespace std; atomic<int> counter(0); void incrementCounter() { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { counter++; } } int main() { thread t1(incrementCounter); thread t2(incrementCounter); t1.join(); t2.join(); cout << "Final counter value: " << counter << endl; return 0; }
- counter++ is thread-safe without needing a mutex because counter is atomic.
Final counter value: 2000
9. Parallel Processing with Multiple Threads
Create multiple threads to perform a task in parallel.
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <vector> using namespace std; void task(int id) { cout << "Thread " << id << " is executing." << endl; } int main() { vector<thread> threads; for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { threads.push_back(thread(task, i)); // Create and add threads to the vector } for (auto& t : threads) { t.join(); // Wait for all threads to finish } return 0; }
- Creates 5 threads, each executing task with a unique id.
- t.join() waits for each thread in the vector to finish.
Output (order may vary):
Thread 1 is executing. Thread 2 is executing. Thread 3 is executing. Thread 4 is executing. Thread 5 is executing.
10. Thread Pool Example
A thread pool manages multiple threads that can execute tasks in parallel.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <queue> #include <mutex> #include <condition_variable> using namespace std; class ThreadPool { vector<thread> workers; queue<function<void()>> tasks; mutex mtx; condition_variable cv; bool stop; public: ThreadPool(size_t threads) : stop(false) { for (size_t i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { workers.emplace_back([this] { while (true) { function<void()> task; { unique_lock<mutex> lock(this->mtx); this->cv.wait(lock, [this] { return this->stop || !this->tasks.empty(); }); if (this->stop && this->tasks.empty()) return; task = move(this->tasks.front()); this->tasks.pop(); } task(); } }); } } template <class F> void enqueue(F&& f) { { unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx); tasks.emplace(f); } cv.notify_one(); } ~ThreadPool() { { unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx); stop = true; } cv.notify_all(); for (thread &worker : workers) worker.join(); } }; void task(int id) { cout << "Task " << id << " is executing." << endl; } int main() { ThreadPool pool(3); // Create a thread pool with 3 threads for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { pool.enqueue([i] { task(i); }); } this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); // Wait for tasks to finish return 0; }
- The thread pool manages 3 threads, each able to pick up tasks from a queue.
- pool.enqueue([i] { task(i); }); adds tasks to the queue, which the threads then execute.
Output (order may vary):
Task 1 is executing. Task 2 is executing. Task 3 is executing. Task 4 is executing. Task 5 is executing.
Summary Table of Multithreading Examples
Example | Description |
Basic Thread Creation | Creates and joins a thread |
Passing Arguments | Passes arguments to a thread function |
Lambda Functions in Threads | Uses a lambda expression in a thread |
Detached Threads | Creates a detached thread |
Mutex for Synchronization | Uses mutex to avoid data races |
Condition Variables | Synchronizes threads with condition variables |
Asynchronous Tasks with std::async | Uses std::async and std::future |
Atomic Variables | Thread-safe counter with std::atomic |
Parallel Processing with Multiple Threads | Runs tasks in parallel with multiple threads |
Thread Pool | Manages a pool of threads for task execution |
Key Takeaways
- Multithreading in C++ is managed with <thread>, allowing concurrent execution of tasks.
- Mutexes and condition variables help synchronize shared resources and coordinate between threads.
- Atomic variables perform thread-safe operations without locking mechanisms.
- Thread pools offer an efficient way to manage a fixed number of threads that process multiple tasks.
- Use std::async and lambda expressions to simplify asynchronous tasks and reduce function boilerplate.