In C++, Forward Iterators are a type of iterator that allows reading and writing in a sequence, moving in one direction (forward).
Forward iterators are more flexible than input and output iterators since they allow multiple passes over the same elements, making them useful in algorithms where elements need to be accessed multiple times.
Forward iterators are widely used with containers such as std::forward_list, std::unordered_set, and std::unordered_map.
Characteristics of Forward Iterators
- Single-direction traversal: Move forward only.
- Multi-pass: Can iterate over the same range multiple times.
- Readable and writable: Can read from and write to the elements.
- Equality comparison: Can be compared for equality or inequality.
1. Basic Example with std::forward_list
The std::forward_list container uses forward iterators by default, as it only allows forward traversal.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Forward iterator to traverse and print elements for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << " "; } return 0; }
- numbers.begin() and numbers.end() return forward iterators for std::forward_list.
- *it dereferences the iterator to access the element, and ++it moves to the next element.
1 2 3 4 5
2. Using std::advance to Move Forward Iterators
You can use std::advance to move forward iterators by a specific number of positions.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> #include <iterator> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; auto it = numbers.begin(); advance(it, 3); // Move iterator 3 positions forward cout << "Element at position 3: " << *it << endl; return 0; }
- advance(it, 3); moves the iterator it forward by three positions in the list.
- *it dereferences the iterator to access the element at the new position.
Element at position 3: 40
3. Modifying Elements with Forward Iterators
Since forward iterators allow writing, you can modify elements in a container.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Modify each element by doubling its value for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ++it) { *it *= 2; // Multiply each element by 2 } cout << "Doubled elements: "; for (int number : numbers) { cout << number << " "; } return 0; }
- *it *= 2; doubles each element in numbers by modifying the dereferenced iterator.
Doubled elements: 2 4 6 8 10
4. Finding an Element with std::find and Forward Iterators
std::find uses forward iterators to search for an element in a container.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; // Find the element 30 auto it = find(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), 30); if (it != numbers.end()) { cout << "Element 30 found!" << endl; } else { cout << "Element not found!" << endl; } return 0; }
- find searches for 30 in numbers using forward iterators.
- If the element is found, it points to that element; otherwise, it points to numbers.end().
Element 30 found!
5. Inserting Elements in std::forward_list Using Forward Iterators
std::forward_list has a special function insert_after to insert elements since it only supports forward iterators.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 3, 4, 5}; // Insert element after the first position auto it = numbers.begin(); numbers.insert_after(it, 2); // Insert 2 after 1 cout << "List after insertion: "; for (int number : numbers) { cout << number << " "; } return 0; }
- insert_after(it, 2); inserts 2 after the first element using a forward iterator.
List after insertion: 1 2 3 4 5
6. Removing Elements with remove and Forward Iterators
The remove algorithm can use forward iterators to remove specific elements from a container.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5}; // Remove all occurrences of 2 numbers.remove(2); cout << "List after removing 2s: "; for (int number : numbers) { cout << number << " "; } return 0; }
- remove removes all occurrences of 2 from numbers.
List after removing 2s: 1 3 4 5
7. Counting Elements with std::count and Forward Iterators
The std::count function can use forward iterators to count occurrences of an element.
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5}; int count_2 = count(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), 2); cout << "Number of times 2 appears: " << count_2 << endl; return 0; }
- count(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), 2); counts the number of occurrences of 2 using forward iterators.
Number of times 2 appears: 3
8. Using Forward Iterators with std::unordered_set
std::unordered_set uses forward iterators, allowing you to iterate through elements in an arbitrary order.
#include <iostream> #include <unordered_set> using namespace std; int main() { unordered_set<string> fruits = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}; cout << "Fruits in the unordered set: "; for (auto it = fruits.begin(); it != fruits.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << " "; } return 0; }
- unordered_set<string> uses forward iterators to iterate over fruits in an arbitrary order.
Fruits in the unordered set: banana apple cherry
9. Using Forward Iterators with std::unordered_map
std::unordered_map also uses forward iterators, allowing you to iterate through key-value pairs.
#include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; int main() { unordered_map<int, string> students = {{1, "Alice"}, {2, "Bob"}, {3, "Charlie"}}; cout << "Student IDs and names: "; for (auto it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it) { cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << ", "; } return 0; }
- unordered_map<int, string> uses forward iterators to iterate over key-value pairs in students.
Student IDs and names: 1: Alice, 2: Bob, 3: Charlie,
10. Resetting a Forward Iterator to the Beginning
Forward iterators can be reset by reassigning them to container.begin().
#include <iostream> #include <forward_list> using namespace std; int main() { forward_list<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // First pass cout << "First pass: "; for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << " "; } cout << endl; // Reset and make a second pass auto it = numbers.begin(); cout << "Second pass: "; while (it != numbers.end()) { cout << *it << " "; ++it; } return 0; }
- Forward iterators can be reassigned to numbers.begin() to iterate over the container again.
First pass: 1 2 3 4 5 Second pass: 1 2 3 4 5
Summary Table of Forward Iterator Usage
Example | Description |
Basic Forward Iterator | Traverses and prints elements in std::forward_list |
Moving Forward Iterator with advance | Moves iterator by a specified number of positions |
Modifying Elements | Modifies container elements via forward iterator |
Finding an Element | Searches for an element using std::find |
Inserting Elements | Inserts elements after a position in forward_list |
Removing Elements | Removes specific elements from a container |
Counting Occurrences | Counts occurrences of a specific element |
Forward Iterator with unordered_set | Iterates over an unordered set |
Forward Iterator with unordered_map | Iterates over key-value pairs in an unordered map |
Resetting Forward Iterator | Resets iterator to begin() for multiple passes |
Key Takeaways
- Forward Iterators allow reading and writing in one direction, making them versatile for containers that need single-direction traversal.
- They are multi-pass iterators, meaning they can make multiple passes over the same sequence.
- Containers like std::forward_list, std::unordered_set, and std::unordered_map use forward iterators.
- Forward iterators are compatible with STL algorithms like std::find, std::count, and std::advance, making them suitable for both searching and modifying container elements.