The continue keyword transfers program control just before the end of a loop.
The condition for the loop is then checked, and if it is met, the loop performs another iteration.
jump-statement; continue;
For loop Example
Here is a continue statement used inside a for loop
using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { if(i==5) { continue; } Console.WriteLine(i); } } }
This is the output you will see, you will notice that the number 5 is skipped and not outputted to the console and t he loop keeps running until it completes
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
While loop example
using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { int i = 0; while (i < 10) { i++; if (i == 5) continue; Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to Exit.."); Console.ReadLine(); } }