main() Function * The main() function is the starting point of the program: int main (int argc, char *argv[]) * The return type of the main() function is an integer …
CHEATSHEET C# 1. Data Types Primitive Size Example String 2 bytes/char s = “reference”; bool b = true; char 2 bytes ch = ‘a’; byte 1 byte b = 0x78; …
A huge collection of python related books and ebooks that are freely available online Python 20 Python Libraries You Aren’t Using (But Should) (email address requested, not required) A Beginner’s Python Tutorial – …
A large collection of Javascript related ebooks and also some frameworks JavaScript Basic JavaScript for the impatient programmer – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer Book of Modern Frontend Tooling Crockford’s JavaScript – Douglas Crockford …
This is a collection of C and C++ books and resources that are either available online or you can also download a pdf or other formats C A Tutorial on …
This is a useful list of compilers, build systems and IDE’s for C++ Compiler List of C or C++ compilers 8cc – A Small C Compiler. c – Compile and execute C …
So you want to learn python, you are in luck as we present several great free courses and tutorials that we have watched on youtube, there are over 20 hours …
There are a lot of great resources on youtube for C#, you don’t have to pay for some expensive course with some of our suggestions below there are literally hours …