The continue keyword transfers program control just before the end of a loop. The condition for the loop is then checked, and if it is met, the loop performs another …
The foreach statement is similar to the for statement in that both allow code to iterate over the items of collections, but the foreach statement lacks an iteration index, so …
The do…while loop likewise has the same syntax as in other languages derived from C. It is written in the following form: do…while-loop ::= “do” body “while” “(” condition “)” …
The while loop has the same syntax as in other languages derived from C. It is written in the following form: while-loop ::= “while” “(” condition “)” body condition ::= …
In c#, for loop is useful to execute a statement or a group of statements repeatedly until the defined condition returns true. Generally, for loop is useful in c# applications …
A Switch is a selection statement, and it will execute a single case statement from the list of multiple case statements based on the pattern match with the defined expression. …
The if statement evaluates its condition expression to determine whether to execute the if-body. Optionally, an else clause can immediately follow the if body, providing code to execute when the …
1. Data Types Primitive Size Example String 2 bytes/char s = “reference”; bool b = true; char 2 bytes ch = ‘a’; byte 1 byte b = 0x78; short …
The operands in logical operators must always contain only Boolean values. Otherwise, Logical Operators will throw an error. Logical operators are used in decision making and loops. This is a …
The c# relational operators will return true only when the defined operands relationship becomes true. Otherwise, it will return false. Relational operators are used in decision making and loops. The following …