The JavaScript navigator object is used for browser detection. It can be used to retrieve various bits of browser information such as appName, appVersion, userAgent, langauge and more The navigator …
The JavaScript history object is used to represent an array of URLs which are visited by the user. It exposes some methods and properties that let you navigate back and …
In this article we will show you how to get yesterdays date in javascript The first step is to get the current date and subtract 1 from it and use …
The Chalk module is a third-party module that is used for styling the format of text and allows us to create our own themes in a node.js project. You can …
In this article I take a look at a library which can be used to generate ‘fake’ data If your an application developer the more likely scenario is that you …
If you want to test your download and upload speeds then a common option is Speedtest® by Ookla® is the definitive way to test the speed and performance of …
JavaScript has a built-in datatype that creates dynamic dates or stores current, previous, or future dates. Date objects can be created by using the new Date() method. Constructor You can use 4 …
The dns module enables name resolution. For example, use it to look up IP addresses of host names. Syntax The syntax for including the DNS module in your application: var dns = require(‘dns’); …
OS is a node module which is used to provide information about the computer operating system. Syntax The syntax for including the OS module in your application: var os = require(‘os’); …
There are a variety of command line options for Node.js Lets take a look at the list of Node.js command line options: Option Description v, –version This is used to …