In this article we look at a program that will display the date and time in various formats The format parameter can contain either a single format specifier character or a …
In this example we will create a simple program to check if a number is an odd or even number. We use a fairly simply formula If a number is …
In this example we will create a program that joins two strings together, or concatenate them We do this by using the String.Concat Method Example In this example we ask …
In this example we will create a program that displays the length of a string The string class has a Length property, which returns the number of characters in its …
In this example we will create a program to change a user inputted string to lowercase. For this we use the String.ToLower() Method which as the name suggests will return …
In this example we will create a program to change a user inputted string to upper case. For this we use the String.ToUpper() Method which as the name suggests will …
In this example we will create a program that compares 2 strings To do this we will use the string.CompareTo() Method This compares this instance with a specified object or …
The fs.rename() method is used to asynchronously rename a file at the given old path to a given new path. It will overwrite the destination file if it already exists. …
In this example we show how to read a file in node.js Following is a basic guide to reading the content of a file in Node.js. You need to include …
The JavaScript Screen object is used to fetch information related to the browser screen on which the current window is rendered. It provides information about the dimensions of the display …