the ArrayList
is a non-generic collection of objects whose size increases dynamically. It is the same as Array except that its size increases dynamically.
An ArrayList
can be used to add unknown data where you don't know the types and the size of the data.
ArrayList Properties
The following are some of the most commonly used properties of an arraylist
Property | Description |
Capacity | It is useful to get or set the number of elements an arraylist can contain. |
Count | It is useful to get the number of elements in an arraylist. |
IsFixedSize | It is useful to get a value to indicate that the arraylist has a fixed size or not. |
IsReadOnly | It is useful to get a value to indicate that the arraylist is read-only or not. |
Item | It is used to get or set an element at the specified index. |
IsSynchronized | It is used to get a value to indicate that access to arraylist is synchronized (thread-safe) or not. |
ArrayList Methods
The following are some of the commonly used methods of an arraylist to add, search, insert, delete or sort elements of an arraylist.
Method | Description |
Add | It is useful to add an element at the end of the arraylist. |
AddRange | It is useful to add all the elements of the specified collection at the end of the arraylist. |
Clear | It will remove all the elements in the arraylist. |
Clone | It will create a shallow copy of the arraylist. |
Contains | It is useful to determine whether the specified element exists in an arraylist or not. |
CopyTo | It is useful to copy all the elements of an arraylist into another compatible array. |
GetRange | It is useful to return a specified range of arraylist elements starting from the specified index. |
IndexOf | It is useful to search for a specified element and return a zero-based index if found; otherwise, return -1 if no element is found. |
Insert | It is useful to insert an element in the arraylist at the specified index. |
InsertRange | It is useful to insert all the specified collection elements into an arraylist starting from the specified index. |
Remove | It is useful to remove the first occurrence of a specified element from the arraylist. |
RemoveAt | It is useful to remove an element from the arraylist based on the specified index position. |
RemoveRange | It is useful to remove a range of elements from an arraylist. |
Reverse | It reverses the order of arraylist elements. |
Sort | It sorts the elements in an arraylist. |
ToArray | It copies all the elements of an arraylist to a new array object. |
Create an ArrayList
The ArrayList
class included in the System.Collections
namespace. Create an object of the ArrayList
using the new
using System.Collections; ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); // or var arrlist = new ArrayList();
Lets look an example of an arraylist
We will add items to the arraylist, we will loop through the items and sort them in this example
using System; using System.Collections; public class Program { public static void Main() { ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("Add lottery numbers:"); arrlist.Add(10); arrlist.Add(32); arrlist.Add(45); arrlist.Add(21); arrlist.Add(36); arrlist.Add(5); Console.WriteLine("Capacity: {0} ", arrlist.Capacity); Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", arrlist.Count); Console.Write("Arraylist items: "); foreach (int i in arrlist) { Console.Write(i + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Sorted arraylist: "); arrlist.Sort(); foreach (int i in arrlist) { Console.Write(i + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Run this and you should see the following
Add lottery numbers: Capacity: 8 Count: 6 Arraylist items: 10 32 45 21 36 5 Sorted arraylist: 5 10 21 32 36 45
In the example above you can see a couple of useful methods and properties
We are binding different data type values to the newly created arraylist (arrlist) by using the Add method. We then use the Capacity and Count properties, we can access the number of elements in an arraylist.
We use a foreach loop to loop through the values and then use the sort method to sort the items.
Access ArrayList Elements
We showed how you can access elements of an Arraylist in our precious example, here are some of them
This shows accessing them using index positions, for loop and the foreach loop
using System; using System.Collections; public class Program { public static void Main() { ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("Add lottery numbers:"); arrlist.Add(10); arrlist.Add(32); arrlist.Add(45); arrlist.Add(21); arrlist.Add(36); arrlist.Add(5); // accessing first element int number1 = (int)arrlist[0]; // accessing second element int number2 = (int)arrlist[1]; Console.WriteLine("*********Access Elements using Index Positions********"); Console.WriteLine("Element at 0: " + number1); Console.WriteLine("Element at 1: " + number2); Console.WriteLine("*********Access Elements using a For Loop********"); for (int i = 0; i < arrlist.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arrlist[i]); } Console.WriteLine("*********Access Elements using a Foreach Loop********"); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadLine(); } }
Insert Elements
We can insert elements into the arraylist either using Insert() or InsertRange() methods.
using System; using System.Collections; public class Program { public static void Main() { ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("Add numbers:"); arrlist.Add(10); arrlist.Add(32); arrlist.Add(45); arrlist.Add(21); arrlist.Add(36); arrlist.Add(5); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } // inserting elements into arraylist arrlist.Insert(0, 6); arrlist.Insert(1, 49); ArrayList arrlist2 = new ArrayList() { 23, 32 }; // insert arrlist2 into arrlist at position 2 arrlist.InsertRange(3, arrlist2); Console.WriteLine("*********New numbers********"); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadLine(); } }
When run you should see the following
Add lottery numbers: 10 32 45 21 36 5 *********New lottery numbers******** 6 49 10 23 32 32 45 21 3
Remove elements
There a couple of methods to remove an elements from arraylist i.e. either by using Remove() or RemoveAt() or RemoveRange() methods.
using System; using System.Collections; public class Program { public static void Main() { ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("Add numbers:"); arrlist.Add(10); arrlist.Add(32); arrlist.Add(45); arrlist.Add(21); arrlist.Add(36); arrlist.Add(5); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } // inserting elements into arraylist arrlist.Insert(0, 6); arrlist.Insert(1, 49); ArrayList arrlist2 = new ArrayList() { 23, 32 }; // insert arrlist2 into arrlist at position 2 arrlist.InsertRange(3, arrlist2); Console.WriteLine("*********New numbers********"); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } // Removing an element which is having a value 32 arrlist.Remove(32); // Removing an element at index 0 arrlist.RemoveAt(0); // Removing 3 elements starting from index 5 arrlist.RemoveRange(5, 3); Console.WriteLine("*********Numbers********"); foreach (var item in arrlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadLine(); } }
You will see the following
Add numbers: 10 32 45 21 36 5 *********New numbers******** 6 49 10 23 32 32 45 21 36 5 *********Numbers******** 49 10 23 32 45
Check If Item Exists
We can use the Contains() method, we can check whether the specified element exists in the arraylist or not. In case if it exists, it will return true otherwise false.
using System; using System.Collections; public class Program { public static void Main() { ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("Add numbers:"); arrlist.Add(10); arrlist.Add(32); arrlist.Add(45); arrlist.Add(21); arrlist.Add(36); arrlist.Add(5); Console.WriteLine("Item Exists: " + arrlist.Contains(40)); Console.WriteLine("Item Exists: " + arrlist.Contains(10)); Console.ReadLine(); } }
You will see the following
Add numbers: Item Exists: False Item Exists: True
ArrayList is used to store elements of different data types, and the size of the arraylist can grow or shrink dynamically by adding or removing elements.
The ArrayList class implements the IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, and ICloneable interfaces.
The ArrayList class inherits the Object class.
You need to add a reference to the System.Collections namespace.
You cannot implement a multi-dimensional array using ArrayList.
The capacity of an ArrayList is the number of elements the ArrayList can hold.
You are allowed to use duplicate elements in your ArrayList.
There are methods to perform multiple operations like add, insert, delete, sort, reverse, etc., on elements of arraylist.
Arraylist can accept null as a value.