The dns
module enables name resolution. For example, use it to look up IP addresses of host names.
The syntax for including the DNS module in your application:
var dns = require('dns');
DNS Methods
Let's see a list of commonly used DNS methods:
Method | Description |
getServers() | Returns an array containing all IP addresses belonging to the current server |
lookup() | Looks up a hostname. A callback function contains information about the hostname, including it's IP address |
lookupService() | Looks up a address and port. A callback function contains information about the address, such as the hostname |
resolve() | Returns an array of record types belonging to the specified hostname |
resolve4() | Looks up an IPv4 address. The callback function includes an array of IPv4 addresses |
resolve6() | Looks up an IPv6 address. The callback function includes an array of IPv6 addresses |
resolveCname() | Looks up CNAME records for the specified hostname. The callback function includes an array of available domains for the hostname |
resolveMx() | Looks up mail exchange records for the specified hostname. |
resolveNaptr() | Looks up regular expression based records for the specified hostname. |
resolveNs() | Looks up name server records for the specified hostname. |
resolveSoa() | Looks up a start of authority record for the specified hostname. |
resolveSrv() | Looks up service records for the specified hostname. |
resolvePtr() | Looks up pointer records for the specified hostname. |
resolveTxt() | Looks up text query records for the specified hostname. |
reverse() | Reverses an IP address into an array of hostnames |
setServers() | Sets the IP addresses of the servers |
const dns = require('dns'); dns.lookup('www.google.com', (err, addresses, family) => { console.log('addresses:', addresses); });
var dns = require('dns'); var demo = dns.lookupService('', 21, (err, hostname, service) => { console.log(hostname, service); });
const dns = require('dns'); const rrtype="A"; dns.resolve('www.google.com', rrtype, (err, records) => console.log('records: %j', records)); const rrtype1="TXT"; dns.resolve('www.google.com', rrtype1, (err, records) => console.log('records: %j', records)); const rrtype2="NS"; dns.resolve('www.google.com', rrtype2, (err, records) => console.log('records: %j', records));